A close-up of a painting by artist Timothy Chambers of a red fox in the snow.

Red Fox

As a Virginia artist, I have long been been drawn to the natural beauty of our state. Every now and then someone will point out a fox trotting across the farmlands where we live. The Red Fox is a beautiful and elusive creature that is at once beautiful and, for some, particularly those who raise chickens, a nuisance.  I don’t raise chickens; I paint. And when I see a Red Fox in the snow, I think, “Man, that is one beautiful animal!”

I had a chance encounter with one while hiking along the Shenandoah Valley. The fox was so graceful and quick, I was struck by the beauty of its fur and the intensity of its eyes. I knew immediately that I wanted to capture this on my canvas. 

The process of painting this fox was a meditative experience, as all my paintings tend to be. As I mix colors and apply brushstrokes, I feel a sense of connection with the natural world and the fox himself. I strive to convey the spirit and energy of my subjects in my paintings. I do this by paying careful attention to the nuancesโ€” the tilt of their head, the glint in their eyes, their posture. 

To me, painting nature is more than just a vocation. It is a way of connecting with the natural world and sharing my love of its beauty with others, with you. I hope that my painting inspires others to appreciate the beauty and diversity of Virginiaโ€™s wildlife and to cherish and protect it for generations to come. 



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