I am excited that you will be joining us for this experience!

Here is a checklist to ensure a successful venture:

  • Dress accordingly. Check the Berryville weather forecast. I recommend dressing in layers, with a neutral-colored shirt/coat.
  • Supplies: if you don’t have supplies, contact Tim immediately so he can reserve a set for you ($35 payable at session). Otherwise, run through this list to ensure you’re ready to go:
    • Portable easel
    • Canvas/panel/paper for paint on.  Recommended size:  aprox 8×10″ to 12×16″.
    • Paints. I will be demonstrating in oils. You’re welcome to work in your favorite medium of choice.
    • Palette
    • Medium to thin paints
    • Solvent to clean brushes (oil: odorless mineral spirits; watercolor/acrylic: water. TIP: in winter, you can add alcohol to your water to keep it from freezing).
    • Brushes: I use hog bristle filberts #2, 4, and 6 for this event.
    • Palette knife: I use a thin diamond-shaped knife, about 1.5″ long x .5″ wide.
    • Paper Towels
    • Hat to shade from sun
    • Small trash bag for soiled towels
    • Insect repellent
    • Folding chair if needed
    • Snack, beverage
    • Sense of humor
    • Most of the supplies above can purchased at DickBlick.com. Click here to view supplies: Plein Air Painting Supply List
  • Wet paintings: be sure to have a shallow box in your car to keep your painting safely secure when traveling home.
  • No restrooms: We’ll be out and about, so keep in mind that restrooms will not be on site. :)  However, downtown Berryville will be nearby.

In the case of inclement weather, I will contact students via email prior to the session. Make sure my emails are not sent to your spam/junk folder.

Questions? Please contact me.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Tim Chambers


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