Home » Art Tips » Fine Art Framing: the Ferrari Effect

Fine Art Framing

Tips and Tricks behind the Fine Art of Framing

Best way to frame your art!

fine art framing, the ferrari effectFine Art Framing – As an artist, I hate to admit that my paintings just are not complete without a frame. I’d like to say that my work can stand on its own, having no need to rely on anything to be enjoyed. But I can’t.  They need a frame, the right frame, and look bare and incomplete without one.

I was in the city one day and saw a Ferrari. Beautiful. Sleek. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

But what if you took away the body? Even with its amazing components under the hood and all, it’s just not the same without the body. I’m not in sales, but I venture to guess that sales would drop if they sold the car without the body.

It’s the same way with my painting. As wonderful as I may think it turned out, it needs a frame to pull it all together. I recall presenting a completed portrait to my wife for her opinion. I thought it turned out well, but her take was “Are you done? It seems like it needs a little something more.”  I didn’t touch the painting, but put it in its frame. I invited my wife back into the studio for a new critique. She walked in and saw the framed portrait: “Oh my goodnes…that looks awesome! What did you do to the portrait?”  “I put a frame on it,” I replied. Yep, the frame made all the difference.

What is the magic with the frame? The right frame- that’s important- not just any frame, but the right one, with the right style (a.k.a profile), width, and finish- does a few things:

  1. it elegantly sets the boundaries of the painting, setting it apart from the wall and surroundings which are often a distraction.
  2. it stops the lines and rhythms in the painting from leading the viewer’s eyes off the painting to the surrounding areas.
  3. it can accentuate the tone or color of a painting, whether it be the dominant color or the beautiful yet subtle notes seemingly hidden within it. In a portrait, the color (finish) of a frame should direct attention to the face(s).
  4. it can accentuate and/or complement the texture in a painting.
  5. it protects the canvas from warping and also from bumps and bruises.
  6. it makes the painting easy to hang.
  7. lastly, it makes for a nice transition from the painting to the surrounding environment.

So now you know the mystery behind The Ferrari Effect in picture framing!



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