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Testimonials and Praises from past portrait clients

Timothy Chambers | Master Portrait Artist Reviews

Tim,  WOW was my first response, tears of joy because you did exactly what I knew you would do.  You captured Randy’s spirit, his integrity, his character, his serious side, but you also got that sly smile of the loving, caring, giving man he was.  I just can’t express what all has gone through my mind since seeing it.  I walked in and it was like he was there looking at me, his eyes just held mine like they were alive!  I know it is going to be something very special for those who worked with him all those years, they will love it and they will also appreciate it because it’s him! I am just so excited, happy, I can’t think of enough words to show you the depth of my feelings when looking at this portrait.

Chattanooga, Tennessee 

portrait artist, commission portraitRhonda Nunley

Tim, you truly have exceeded all of our expectations is incredible, something we will treasure and enjoy for the rest of our lives.  I am still overwhelmed with emotion and joy over the magnificent portrait of Kate and Peter that you delivered. There are few things in life that exceed your expectations; this for me is one of them. The ethereal quality of the painting is something that continues to amaze and captivate me.  I sit and just look and feel the presence of each of the children.  It is a very good thing. You all are a blessing to us — the heart, mind, body and soul that you all put into the creation of this painting is still beyond my comprehension. Your friendship is something we will value and nurture always … you both clearly understand what really is important in life.  I really enjoyed being with you both. We wish you both the best of everything and much joy always,  Dick and Eleanor Morsback


oil portrait- Dick and Eleanor Morsback

I just wanted to tell you how much I love the portrait.  I just cried.  It is definitely the best money we ever spent.  To be able to capture that innocence forever makes letting Cayla and Joshua grow up a little less painful.  I spent all weekend carrying a black and white inkjet copy around in my purse and I could not stop peeking at it.  I was just so moved by the energy and essence of the painting.  It is like time stopped for one spring morning in May when our children were four years old.  Tim, thank you.  Please keep us in mind for references, etc.  Take care until then.

South Carolina

family portrait painting, childrens portrait artist, timothy chambers, portrait artist for hire- Eileen S.

The portrait is gorgeous! I am blown away by it.  It is really, really wonderful, and that is such an understatement. 

Charleston, South Carolina

childrens portrait artist, portrait artist, portrait artist for hire, commission portraits, find portrait artist- C. Saunders

Tim, we couldn’t be more pleased and more impressed with your portrait of Chuck. Many who have known Chuck for a long time have been amazed at how you captured his true personality and character, as well as the likeness. I love how you were able to tell the story of his life in such subtle but clear manner. Thank you, Tim. It’s been a pleasure working with you.

portrait artist, portrait artist for hire, corporate portraits, Chuck Colson- Alan Terwilleger, President, Chuck Colson Center/Prison Fellowship

Tim, We love the portrait more and more and I doubt that I will ever not have a sense of awe when I walk into the room and see it.


oil portrait- El Morsbach

Tim- The portrait is beautiful. Thanks on all counts, Tim.  We hung it tonight and it looks great!

Charlottesville, Virginia

family portrait painting, childrens portrait artist, timothy chambers, portrait artist for hire- Jennifer and Parker King

When my wife and I spoke and met with Timothy Chambers we knew instantly that he was the right artist for our family. He truly grasped what we were looking for and added what he felt would make a great portrait. Our experience was fabulous and we hope others enjoy the same process.

Charlotte, North Carolina

commission portrait, portrait artist for hire- Adam Landau

WOW!  What a wonderful surprise to see our portrait!  Thank you!  I am so glad we selected you to create our daughters portrait …again, thank you so much!

Atlanta, GA 

- G.C.

Wow! Everyone that has seen David and Madeline’s portraits love them, and we have several friends interested in visiting with you about portraits of their children. We can’t wait to have our youngest son painted!

Dallas, TX

 - Blair and David Shaw

Tim- The portrait looks magnificent. Thanks for capturing our boys so well!

Leesburg, Virginia 

- J.C.

Hi Tim — We received the portrait!! I really love it! I think you truly captured Kate! Thank you so much for such a beautiful portrait…I can’t imagine how we could improve it in any way! It is absolutely beautiful! I could not be happier. (Her eyes are just right). Thank you so much for painting such a lovely portrait! I can’t wait to show it off.  

- Kathy

Hi, Tim. The framer (who kept the portrait for a few days while they priced the frames) told Ruffin that two people had requested your email address just from seeing our portrait in the short time it was there! Thanks so much for creating this timeless, special keepsake. –Best, Adelaide

Richmond, VA

- Adelaide

Tim- What a beautiful portrait!  It captures Catie very well. 

- C. Wood

Tim- How exciting that you are finished!  I think it looks great, and love the addition of [my daughter’s favorite toy] “Mouse.”  I am particularly pleased with her face, you captured her perfectly. Aurelia’s portrait is one of the best Christmas presents I could have gotten.

North Carolina

- A.M.

What a wonderful surprise when I returned from out of town. The portrait of Carter looks fantastic.  

Chattanooga, Tennessee

- K.D.

Tim, the two portraits we commissioned 6 years ago are worth every penny and bring us great pleasure, and we are ready to begin Katherine’s portrait! In the meantime, many Greensboro friends and acquaintances have complimented us on your work, have asked for his website/phone number and our recommendation which we have given without hesitation.

North Carolina

- Knox Barker

Dear Tim….thank you so much for Emilie’s and Colin’s portraits. I think they are amazing!  You really captured the essence of who Colin is.

- Jenny

Tim- Your painting has brought me hours of pleasure sitting in our living room. Many times while reading a book or just passing by I would stop to admire it. It brought me great satisfaction.

Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina 

- B Smith

Tim, The portrait looks great!  I am thrilled. A potential client came this morning to see Lucy’s portrait.  She was extremely impressed.  She said it was her favorite pastel she’d ever seen!  Hopefully, it will seal the deal and you’ll have another Raleigh piece!  Thanks so much!

Raleigh, North Carolina

- T.G.

Tim, Thanks again for all your efforts, and for an excellent job on Will’s portrait.  It turned out great, and I know you worked very hard on it.  Many Thanks, JRW

Nashville, Tennessee


Tim- received the portrait! Everything is fine-we LOVE IT.  I can’t stay out of the room it is in.  Thanks so much for everything. Best to your family.  Sincerely, Elisabeth Perino 

New Orleans, Louisiana

- Elisabeth Perino

Tim – We love the portrait of Kingsley.  Everyone comments on how well it captures her sweet nature! Thanks, K.A.

Leesburg, Virginia

- K.A.

Tim- thank you for everything!!!  We love the portrait and we’re now redoing the dining room!!! We have really enjoyed working with you!

Alexandria, Virginia

- Mandy

Tim,  We received the painting and absolutely love it – it is indeed beautiful!!

Baltimore, Maryland

- C. Meyer

The portrait is hanging and looks great.  Thanks…

Greensboro, North Carolina

- Dr. Karl S.

Tim, You did it!  We love it, and George’s, thanks so much!  Thank you for everything! -L. Ives

- L. Ives

Tim- What a great surprise!  Robert and I were thrilled to see the beautiful portrait of our boy.  You have certainly captured so much of his spirit and personality.  He looks as sweet and innocent as he truly is in real life.  It was a pleasure to meet you, Tim.  We felt and still feel so right about you painting Rob’s portrait.  It was a special experience for our family and we look forward to your painting our other son. Thanks, Gaither

Charlotte, North Carolina

- Gaither

Well, the portrait is so beautiful and you have received numerous compliments from those who have seen it…”that’s the best portrait I’ve ever seen”  “I can’t believe that’s a pastel”  “It looks just like George”  “Where did you find this artist?”  Thanks for everything!

Raleigh, North Carolina

- S. Wooten

Dear Tim: Thank you for the absolutely beautiful portraits that you created of our boys.  They look EXACTLY like themselves and I never tire of looking at them.  You captured them perfectly.  Several friends have commented on how well you “got” their expressions.  I will cherish these portraits forever.  You have really given our family a treasure! Blessings, B. Stevens

Fairfax, Virginia

- B. Stevens

Tim- Got it, opened it, gorgeous!!  You’re the best!

Charlotte, North Carolina

- Elizabeth S. Crippen

The portraits are exquisite.  We are thrilled with them.  Thank you again for everything! You were so nice to work with.

South Carolina 

- Dr. Forrest Ham


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