Tim offers a weekly class for beginning and advanced students meeting at his studio near Purcellville, VA. This class features:

  • One-on-one instruction with Tim
  • Maximum 6 students per class
  • Continuous painting; i.e. work on the same painting for successive weeks for in-depth training
  • Mediums: charcoal, pastel, and/or oil
  • Flexible times
  • Weekly sessions at 2- to 3-hours each
  • Freedom to use the studio outside of class sessions
  • Weekly critique of your work
  • How to begin a drawing/painting
  • How to carry your work to completion
  • Use and care of your tools
  • Tips on selling your work on a professional level


High-level instruction on drawing and painting features:

  • drawing: lay-in, composition, angles, proportion, values, color theory, shading, mixing, posture, understanding and establishing a concept for your painting, human anatomy (for portraiture), and more.
  • painting: medium-specific technique, proper and archival application, grisaille, understanding and establishing a color palette, and more.
  • art theory: your purpose, the essence of art, art history, the role of art in life and culture.
  • self-examination: this skill is just as important as talent and desire. Tim teaches students how to constructively examine their work to improve their work and skills, so that even in the absence of a teacher students can continue to grow.
  • motivation and concept: as any professional artist, writer, musician can tell you, inspiration comes after working, and not before. Tim teaches students how to get excited about their work, to cast a vision (concept) for their work project and use this to know when their work is complete.
  • and of course much more, all at the proper time.

Cost is $30 per week, payable monthly.  Class times are by appointment; maximum 6 students per class. If interested in this unique opportunity to study with Tim, please contact us.



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