Water and Seascape Paintings

Water and Seascape Original Paintings

We can try and survive without a lot of things, but we cannot survive without water. Water sustains and inspires. From the tranquil pond to the surging ocean, the waters reflect every emotion and experience. Timothy Chambers' seascape art and waterscapes put us in touch with our feelings, our dreams, our memories. His seascape oil paintings are at once lucid and ethereal; they capture the beauty before us and also unearth the hidden feelings wrought within.

If you're familiar with the contemporary art scene, then you'll readily agree Timothy Chambers is not one of many. His work is one of one. Perhaps it is that he is legally deaf and blind that gives Timothy an extra sensitive awareness of the sense of the life that moves and thrusts the waters of the earth. Perhaps it's his unique technique, his uncanny sense of true-to-nature color... his paintings feel alive, not merely still pictures. They breathe life. And perhaps that's what draws collectors to his work. They find Timothy's work brings them back in touch with what is essential.

That's a beautiful thing in this hectic world. Where are you going to hang your Timothy Chambers original seascape painting? Where do you need to be inspired?








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