Tim painting plein air
Tim leads weekend painting excursions and invites anyone- beginner to experienced- to join him for a time of enjoying Virginia beauty, breathing fresh air, fellowship with others, and learning a thing or two about painting. Tim have been a full-time professional painter for 25 years, and has studied with American Impressionisst Henry Hensche. Through Hensche, Tim connects to a lineage going back to Claude Monet, the founder of Impressionism. “Anything under the sun is beautiful if you have the vision — it is the seeing of the thing that makes it so,” said Henche’s teacher Charles Hawthorne. Tim is eager to share what he’s learned to help you see and paint beauty, and he would certainly welcome your company!
Interested in participating? Here are the details:
  • WHO: Absolute beginners to old pros. Adults. Mature children age 12+.
  • WHERE: Location will be sent via email and/or text prior to each session. We will paint rural, town, city, and mountain scenes from Berryville (Clarke County, VA), as well as excursions to Virginia’s Skyline Drive and Washington, DC. 
  • WHEN: Weather-permitting, Monday-Saturday. Typical painting times are early mornings or late afternoons. State your preference and/or select the time when registering.
  • NUMBER: To provide one-on-one instruction, there is a limit of 5 artists.
  • COST: $30 per session
  • SUPPLIES: Bring your own supplies. Tim will be painting and demonstrating in oil, but you can work in whatever medium you choose. Tim can supply up to four students with everything you need for an additiuonal $23/session. For a list of the supplies he uses when painting outdoors, click here.

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Will you need to rent supplies?
Your name and contact phone #:
Preference: AM or PM session?


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